What I mean by "again" is as much I try to just maintain a healthy lifestyle it is so easy for the excuses to get in the way of just that... not enough time, I'll do it tomorrow, just this time, moving, convenience and the list goes on. You know what I'm talking about.
As a kid I was strange as I preferred veggies over the fried food, had no desire to eat fast food and a common story my mother loves to tell is how she would pack me with a can of corn when I was going to pizza parties - as I preferred eating that can of corn then icky greasy pizza.
Funny how more than anything our social lives change our eating habits over time. Instead of making that chicken breast and broccoli at home we end up grabbing the burger, fries and beer. At least that's what has happened to me. I won't lie, as much as I love my alone time it seems more and more I crave to be in social settings. My thought is I used to work in social settings aka club scene, bartending even I would say most food industry type jobs are pretty social. I think maybe transitioning into more of a corporate setting and not being basically forced into being social anymore has made me crave company. I laugh at how you can get so burned out working in those scenes and then you crave it when you don't have it.. oh, catch 22's!
For those of you who don't know I've been on crutches since April 27th - I see an orthopedic surgeon on June 7th and will learn more then. So far all I know is I have several fractures in my foot. Before it happened I wasn't consistent in the gym but I was eating well and keeping physically active, mostly riding my beloved bike and always doing home "body weight exercises". I was planning on doing the Tough Mudder in September up in Tahoe - I was feeling motivated and ready to take on any challenge. I have always wanted to do a marathon and was starting to look into training/signing up.. and all that jazz. Yes, I have a broken foot but really it's no excuse for making a habit of eating whatever I want.. nachos, burgers, mac n' cheese, pizza, double helpings, and of course beer; not doing any physical exercise... and somehow it has been my excuse for all of the aforementioned.
I really do need to mention one of the biggest motivators for me (besides the general of feeling of bleh) is www.toneitup.com. Katrina and Karena take a very positive, inspiring, "you-can-do-it" - approach to fitness and just general living. I accidentally found there blog looking at a beachy hair tutorial (http://toneitup.com/blog.php?Beachy-Hair-Tutorial-Bikini-Series-5082) and just started reading and watching their videos.
I started this blog to be brutally honest of my health adventures. So here we go.. I am 5'6" .. ok, ok.. 5'5.5" and currently 131 pounds. I'm not one of those girls saying "omgsh I am soooo fat" but I am NOT in shape and more than anything I am not living to my full potential. I know I have a broken foot but there is still so much I could/should be doing and honestly I feel like a disgrace to myself . "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you" -Ralph Waldo Emerson "Be proud, but never satisfied"-Unknown. Those are my mottos.
Started this to share recipes, share what motivates me, share the temptations and tips. Thank you friends & family for always being supportive and as always I would love your input :)
Much Love,
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