Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Turkey Bacon, Sliced Almond Brussel Sprouts MmmMmm

Brussel Sprout Salad? Name ideas? Anyone? Bueller?

Very easy and very yummy - in my opinion. I know many people hate brussel sprouts but I've actually had people try this that don't like brussel sprouts and they enjoyed it! I should have timed it but I think it maybe takes 20 minutes.

You need:

-Brussel Sprouts
- Half Package of Turkey Bacon -preferably NOT Oscar Meyer
-Sliced or slivered almonds
-Chicken stock & olive oil
-Herbs (customize it! I like Italian Herbs then some kind of creole, Morracan, Curry - It's honestly different every time!)
-Fresh cracked pepper (usually salt isn't necessary)

Start with a little chicken broth (see future blogs for the convenient way to do so!), I actually stole some broth from the soup I made yesterday :). If none is available I prefer to steam with a little bit of water in the bottom. Let them steam for a few with a lid on and get to the other ingredients!

Like I said in ingredients don't buy Oscar Meyer brand! Soo salty and higher fat content I realized after purchasing. Anyone ever seen Organic Turkey Bacon? I'd love to find some!

I just barely cut the stems off and half them.. sometimes I quarter them - when you quarter them it makes it more of a "salad".
I maybe had slightly less than a pound of brussel sprouts so I used half the package of turkey bacon, which was more than enough. Slice like the picture shows... have another pan lightly greased with olive oil on high heat and spread the pieces apart with your fingers. Doesn't matter if they stick together a bit. Mix them all around - turn to medium high and add a small handful of almonds. Stir around get the almonds and bacon browned.

When browned add into your pot of steaming brussel sprouts... Stir!

I usually take a brussel sprout or two out to test how done they are, I prefer them a little al dente. At the end I like to turn up the pan to high heat to get a little good brown on the sprouts. Turn off and remove from and...

Once I made brown rice, added some eggs and baked it all at 350 degrees for maybe 20-25 minutes, made it casserole style! Trying not to eat too much rice these days but just an idea!

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